Welcome to the Western Elementary School Website. Our WES website is intended to help support and encourage parents, students, community members, and educators to get connected and stay connected to the exciting, engaging, and excellent happenings within our school.

Western C.A.R.E. Pledge
I am part of the Western School Family.
I will respect myself, others, and my environment.
I promise to work hard and make wise choices.
I accept the challenges to become the best I can be.
Western is the former West Pike and Barry school districts that were consolidated in 2007 to create the Western Community Unit School District 12. From 2007-2010 Western operated two elementary schools: Western Hull Elementary and Western Barry Elementary, each school housed Pre-K to Fourth grade classes. Beginning in 2010, the two schools were merged to create Western Elementary School, located in Barry, Illinois. Western Elementary houses Pre-K to Fifth grade students.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Each month the PBIS team sets incentives for the students. Students are able to purchase these incentives for 15 CARE cards. Students receive CARE cards for demonstrating Citizenship, Engagement, Respect, and Engagement throughout the school day. Students can spend their CARE cards in a variety of ways including the monthly incentive or classroom privileges (e.g. Lunch with the Teacher, Free Homework passes, Sock Day, etc). At the end of the school year students can use their CARE cards at the CARE store where they have the opportunity to buy items from many options.