Seven out of 10 academic leaders agree that online learning is critical to the future of education. That’s why the number of students enrolled in online courses will only continue to rise. But the use of online courses has also presented new challenges for teachers and administrators, especially when it comes to keeping students focused and engaged.
A recent survey found that 74 percent of college students report significant, worrisome procrastination directly related to online distractions. There’s little doubt that education taking place purely in an online environment will naturally exacerbate such problems.
While there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to helping students maintain their focus, there is an opportunity for educators to identify digital features that students are naturally drawn to, and mimic these within the online classroom. Doing so could turn digital distractions into powerful tools that capture students’ attention and improve learning outcomes. Here are four ways to examine your online learning approach for student success.
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What is PBIS?
Western is participating in an important district initiative called
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS).
A General Overview
The main focus of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) is to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors at Western CUSD #12. While many faculty and student may have assumptions of what is expected behavior, we cannot assume that everyone’s beliefs are similar. Through PBIS, we will work to create and maintain a productive, safe environment in which ALL school community members have clear expectations and understanding of their role in the educational process.
Proactive Approach to School-Wide Discipline
Schools that implement school-wide systems of positive behaviors and supports focus on a team-based approach and teaching appropriate behaviors to all students in the school. Schools that have been successful in building school-wide systems develop procedures to accomplish the following:
1. Behavioral Expectations are Defined.
A small number of clearly defined behavioral expectations are defined in positive, simple rules.
Western’s Wildcat Ways of Conduct is:
- Citizenship
- Achievement
- Respect
- Engagement
2. Behavioral Expectation are Taught. The behavioral expectations are taught to all students and taught in real contexts. Teaching appropriate behavior involves much more than simply telling student what behaviors they should avoid. Specific behavioral examples are:
- Citizenship means taking an active and positive role in school, family and community.
- Achievement means believing success is possible.
- Respect means treating self and others feelings and opinions with care.
- Engagement means celebrating successes and accomplishments of self and others.
Behavioral expectations are taught using the same teaching formats, “cool tools”, applied to other curricula. The general rule is presented, the rationale for the rule is discussed, positive examples (“right way”) are described and rehearsed, and negative examples (“wrong way”) are described and modeled. Students are given an opportunity to practice the “right way” until they demonstrate fluent performance.
3. Appropriate Behaviors are Acknowledged. Once appropriate behaviors have been defined and taught, they need to be acknowledged on a regular basis. Western has designed a formal system that rewards positive behaviors. “I noticed…..” is an immediate form used by an individual teacher, at his or her discretion, as a tool o encouragement and a student motivator. “CARE Cards” are awarded at the the elementary and junior high level to encourage and reinforce positive behaviors. Educators can award “CARE Cards” to any student.
4. Behaviors Errors are Corrected Proactively. When students violate behavioral expectations, clear procedures are needed for providing information to them about unacceptable behaviors and prevent unacceptable behavior from resulting in inadvertent rewards. Student and all staff should be able to predict what will occur when behavioral errors are identified.